wine at lord supper

Wine or Grape Juice? - What Did Jesus Use For the Lord’s Supper? How Do We Know?

Communion Wine CONTAINED Alcohol

Should The Lords Supper involve wine or grape juice?

Use of Wine in Communion (Lord's Supper)

Are the Bread and Wine of the Lord's Supper the Body and Blood of Jesus?

Making JESUS' WINE - What did the wine from the last supper taste like?

Wine in the Lord's Supper with Jeff Yelton

Why do you use grape juice in the Lord's Supper?

The Sacred Meal: A Symbol Of Love And Sacrifice | Matthew 26:26-30 #godsinspiringword #shorts

Voddie Baucham: The Lord’s Supper should be served at every Sunday service

What Would Jesus Drink?

What is the importance of the Lord's supper / Christian Communion?

Pastor Gino Jennings- The Lord’s Supper Has Been Taught Wrong

The Last Supper was a Passover Seder [From The Passover Communion Mystery (Message 2382)]

Should you use GRAPE Juice at the Lord's Supper - A Higher Things® Video Short

Why Does It Matter That We Eat the Lord's Supper In a Worthy Manner?

The Lord's Supper - Chuck Missler

What does the Bible say about communion? |

What Jesus use ...grape juice or wine during last supper?

Why Did Jesus Drink Three Cups at the Last Supper?

What is the Lord's supper?| Explained by JI Packer.

WHY Do Christians Eat BREAD and GRAPE JUICE? || The Lord's Supper || Mark 14 || 2BeLikeChrist

The Lord's Supper [What Does the Bible Say?] – Pastor Ted Wilson

How to Make Easy Unleavened Bread for the Lord's Supper